Week 21 Weigh-in and Pictures

The last weigh-in I did was at 16 weeks – 5 weeks ago. In the past 5 weeks I’ve gained about a pound, weighing in at 159 lbs.

Now, for the pictures. From the front:

From the back:

Front Flexing:

Back Flexing:

Another Back Flexing – you can see more of the back muscles in this one:

Compilation picture (click to enlarge):

Every time just before I do a weigh-in and pictures, I fear that I’m going to look worse than the last time. Then once I get the pictures on the computer and look at them, I get so motivated. The last 5 weeks I’ve been pretty good. There was one week where I missed the weights, but other than that, I got my weights in 2-3 times per week each week. My cardio has been strong at 3 times per week.

One night a few weeks ago I was about to put my kids to bed when my son said to me “Have you done your workout today, Dad?”

“No, I’m supposed to do upper body today.”

My son’s responded with “You’d better leave soon so you have time to get it in before the gym closes!” It was seriously a great moment for me. My son helped motivate me to get my workout in on a night where I wasn’t really feeling it. A big thanks goes out to him for motivating me to continue working out and being healthy.

So, what’s next? I still need to gain more muscle weight. I’m almost through my first tub of the Casein Protein. I need to do better at drinking some every night before bed. I’m continuing to eat smaller meals more frequently throughout the day. I think that’s part of my lifestyle now. Occasionally I will have a “meal” off, but I’m not really doing the one full day a week off. On Saturday if I know we’re going out to eat, I’ll eat my normal healthy way the whole day and then splurge with my one meal out. As a general rule I eat healthy all week long and relax a little on the weekend. It’s not a full-out binge though where I eat anything all weekend long. Body-For-Life has taught me how to both eat healthy and enjoy treats while staying lean and fit.

My next checking I’m scheduling for 5 weeks out at 26 weeks (the weekend of June 6-8). That will be exactly half a year of healthy eating and working out. I’ll be interested to see how far I’ve come in 6 months. Stay tuned – and in the meantime I’ll continue to blog about healthy tips and my journey through my transformation.


  1. Awesome man! Did you do this all by yourself? The losing weight?

    • Yes, I did it by myself following the Body For Life plan for the first 3 months, then continued to eat healthy and exercise regularly.