Adding nuts to your diet

One thing I’ve added more to my diet recently is nuts. I read an article on how nuts are a good way to gain healthy weight if you’re looking to increase your calorie intake. Yes, they are hight in fat, but you generally want your fats to come from plants and not from animals (i.e. nuts, avacodas, beans, etc. as opposed to beef, pork, dairy, or other fats that come from animals). If you’re trying to lose weight, they’re good too because they keep you full for a while.

I’ve tried a bunch of different kinds of nuts from the store and have settled on the Emerald brand. Of all the nuts at our grocery store, they seem to taste the freshest. Of course, nothing beats buying nuts fresh in bulk from some place like Sprouts or Whole Foods, but I don’t always get there as often as I would like.

The new Sweet & Salty flavors have a little sugar in them, but they’re not too bad. They are more of a treat for me as opposed to my daily consumption. The one flavor that we can’t seem to find here in Texas is the Cinnamon Roast – they’re really good. We were in Atlanta a few weeks ago while my wife attended a blogging conference and found the Cinnamon Roast at the grocery store there. We stocked up on some, since who knows how long it will be until they make it here to Texas. I put in a request at our grocery store to carry them…we’ll see when they arrive here.

The Cocoa Roast came out around the same time as the Cinnamon Roast. They are delicious too.

We first saw these two varieties on shelves when we were living out in LA. Both the Cocoa and Cinnamon Roast have only 1g of sugar in a 1/4 cup serving. They are a great way to add variety to your nut intake without adding a bunch of sugar.

I’m excited for my 6 month weigh-in and pictures. It’s been almost a half a year since I started Body-for-LIFE and almost 3 months since I finished the program. I’m interested to see my pictures and how far I’ve come the last 6 months. Check back this weekend for my 6 month weigh-in and pictures!